Tuesday, November 18, 2008

busy, busy 200k

with so much going on, you keep your head down and gulp air like a swimmer in a race. not really, but that might work! last weekend i joined two rando buddies for my first 200k of the year. although a little apprehensive, it had to be done, and i knew i was in good hands. byron and mike ride at least one (200k) a month called a "permanent", which is what i hope to do from here on...
mike rode one the day before! thanks to that the pace was described as leisurely! i called it hanging on! worried about taking too much stuff i left the camera behind, no time to stop for the amazing fall colors on this beautiful loop up near the VA. line around kerr lake! no worries though, mike grabbed some pics with his phone. catch his story and photos here. 10 hrs. on a bike leaves plenty of time for introspection and wonder, but mostly grooving to the rhythm of your heart, breath, and whatever song is stuck in your head is what keeps you moving..i felt beat a few times but good in the end. ready to do it again after turkey day!

this weekend should have been the last visit to jail, but alas, it was not to be. i was reassigned to a different facility without being notified ahead of time. we found out at check-in and hit the street to catch a cab to the other 'joint'. by the time we arrived, stood around a gate calling in to a speaker box, repeatedly, and finally being told to go to a different part of the building, the voice in the box told us:"sgt. says your too late"! thanks..we'll come back later. maybe. think i'll try to do 'em at the real jail where i've been going. i got friends in there...

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