state fair's eve
well, here we are again. nearing the end of the fair season at the NC State Fair in raleigh! this spot is a veritable plethora of sensory overload. there is little escaping the continuous ballying, hocking, and roar of the carnival. the carnival, is everywhere, more than 100 rides spread all over the lot in 4, no 5 areas. crazy! it is what it is. that said, here is a little map to help find us....
we are just outside (east) of dorton arena. it's the main 'flea market area'.see that knife/fork to the right of the ?mark??. we're at the handle of the knife, next to jack's buns. there is a carousel across from us. the joint is a cute red 'n white tent with a rootbeer barrel in it. we do not set up the truck here any longer, as there is not enough room. bummer. it is what it is..
i'll miss ya if you're out there this weekend, as my scooter antics requires a weekend sleep-over with some of my downtown buddies. have fun! don't miss the art show in the scott bldg. there will be photos hanging by people you know, maybe even by yours truly. if i get by 2nite i'll put a pic of the stand here so you'll know what to look for. crazy crowd 2nite, NC State is hosting Florida State next door at carter -finley! glad i'm on a bike! :-)
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