Tuesday, May 10, 2011

rearin' to go

i'm going to write a tick more before the big ride. i'm sitting on an old friends porch in a quaint old neighborhood in Dallas. it's really mellow, but just minutes from chaos. just as this day may seem right now, before the rando begins. I'm in denial of nerves before we get under way. all the well wishes and followers really help, though. I do appreciate it very much.

the bike went together pretty good. just a little fussing with fender placement, not much else. I hand pumped the tires and went out a few times 'til I felt dialed in.  a flat(!) this morn kept me from revisiting White Rock Lake for a 10 mile lap. that (10mi) used to be a big deal 25yrs. ago.. and to do 2-3 laps was studly! hopefully Tim and I can go out for a spin in Waxahachie after check-in. maybe get some others to ride too..

altho cloudy now it was hot, a bit muggy, and windy as hell yesterday. it shall continue I'm sure. I sat outside last night tho, and it was really nice. the evening riding looks to be great after the wind settles down some. I had a 20oz bottle for the front, but the heat had me buying a big polar with a big ol' texas on it at a well stocked shop up the street. 
if ever in this area, Richardson bike mart has what you need. good guys there..

stay tuned!



bullcitybiker said...

You're going to have a great ride G. Enjoy it!

Bob O. said...

The TX lingo is catching on. Have great time on the BIG OL' ride!